Current Prayer Locations

  • Espiritu Santo Catholic Church

    Mondays at 11:15 am. Meet in the Church cry room. Daily Mass follows at 12:15 pm.

    Safety Harbor, FL

  • Philippe Park

    Tuesdays, 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. on the hill overlooking the water (Parking lot of Shelter #1, near restrooms). Bring a chair!

    Safety Harbor, FL

  • Cenacle of Divine Providence

    Thursdays from 8:30 - 9:30 am in the Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Garden.

    Park at the Cenacle building and walk around the left side to the prayer garden (overlooking the water).

    Clearwater, FL

  • Add Your Own Location & Time!

    Click on “Start Your Own Prayer Community” at the top of the page to learn how.